Many families decide to take care of a close elderly adult in their own home instead of taking them to nursing homes, and although it can become a complex task because it requires a lot of time and it is a task that we must fulfill with love, compassion, dignity and understanding.
Here we will help you in the task of taking care of it, giving you simple tips to make this work easier to carry.
It is important to integrate the older adult to the family, as well as to social groups. Do family activities where everyone can share, such as a barbecue on the weekend, a walk to the park or a trip to the countryside. Encouraging her to participate in clubs such as chess, crafts, or volunteering will also encourage her to be more active.
If you find that he can no longer drive cars in safe mode, do not force him to surrender his driver’s license. Talk about it both in a pleasant, convincing and understanding way. Find a way for him / her to make the final decision or they can also go to a driver’s school and undergo an impartial evaluation, with the understanding that the instructor’s decision will dictate whether or not to stop driving.
Help him to be physically independent, so cleaning the home of furniture in poor condition is essential, as well as clearing the corridors so that he can move more freely, be careful not to place tables or chairs in the corners so that they are not hit the edges. After cleaning the floor, you should try to leave it dry, to avoid strong falls.
Take care of their personal hygiene, encourage them to carry out their personal hygiene on a daily basis and try to take care of their dental hygiene, since in older adults it is more delicate than in any other stage of life and must be carried out with extreme regularity to prevent painful diseases , loss of teeth and improper chewing.
In older adults, the possibility of developing diseases such as anemia, hypertension or diabetes is greater, so it is important that you take care of your diet. Provide him with a balanced diet and if necessary consult a professional, with whom you can try to create a list that does not include foods that are not to the liking of the elderly, because the task of feeding him will be more difficult and in the end you will not be helping him.
The most important thing is to remember that all these tasks you should always do with great affection, because it is about a person who took care of you when you were little, so taking it as a hand return will make the work more enjoyable and your father , mother, grandfather or grandmother will be happy to share that stage of their life with you.
Tell us, do you do this job? What is the most difficult and the most pleasant?